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Conclusions & Recommendations

TEC 25

25.4.3 - Future TEC Meetings


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TEC 28: November 15 – 17, 2022 in Cape Town, South Africa – suggested agenda items include:
- Reviewing data from co-administration trials
- Updates from REACH trials (particularly Côte d’Ivoire, ideally including participation by the national program coordinator)
- A focus on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) monitoring and how it may affect communication between TEC members and partners


No action required

TEC meeting management

TEC 25

25.4.2 - Future TEC Meetings


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TEC 27: June 13 – 16, 2022 in Atlanta, GA, USA – an extra day has been added to allow more discussion time for Category 1 & 2 district decision-making.


No action required

TEC meeting management

TEC 25

25.4.1 - Future TEC Meetings


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TEC 26: March 29-31, 2022 in London, UK – This meeting will focus on reconsidering TEC decisions for 2022 in Category 1 & 2 districts. Participants will include TEC, implementing partners and donors and program managers in countries with 2022 Applications in Category 1 & 2 districts that would like to propose a different strategy


No action required

TEC meeting management

TEC 25

25.3.4 - Next steps for Zithromax® decision-making in districts with persistent (Category 1) & recrudescent (Category 2) trachoma


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TEC recommends that ITI Management track Category 1 & 2 requests, TEC allocation decisions in those districts, and lessons learned as this new TEC guidance is implemented


This is ongoing.

alternative treatment strategies, persistence, recommendations for ITI management, Zithromax® donation criteria

TEC 25

25.3.3 - Next steps for Zithromax® decision-making in districts with persistent (Category 1) & recrudescent (Category 2) trachoma


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TEC recommends that ITI and the TEC liaisons work closely with national programs, their implementing partners, and donors in each country with Category 1 & 2 districts to:
- help interpret the new guidance, and
-develop a package of information supporting TEC’s consideration of Applications at TEC 26 (2022 treatments) & TEC 27 (2023 treatments)


A letter was drafted and shared in January 2022. (

persistence, alternative treatment strategies, Zithromax® donation criteria, recommendations for ITI management

TEC 25

25.3.2 - Next steps for Zithromax® decision-making in districts with persistent (Category 1) & recrudescent (Category 2) trachoma


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ITI to draft a letter for TEC review to communicate changes to the national programs and partners about Zithromax® decision-making in Category 1 & 2 districts based on recommendations from the WHO Informal Consultation, AND information about catch-up rounds in other districts.


A letter was drafted and shared in January 2022. (

persistence, alternative treatment strategies, recommendations for ITI management, Zithromax® donation criteria

TEC 25

25.3.1 - Next steps for Zithromax® decision-making in districts with persistent (Category 1) & recrudescent (Category 2) trachoma


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ITI to create a line listing of all Category 1 & 2 districts (including populations) to:
- Quantify potential additional Zithromax® need for 2022 and discuss projected production forecast changes with Pfizer
- Flag districts on 2023 Zithromax® Applications
- Determine which countries need to be approached urgently for additional discussion/support from TEC & ITI for 2022 and 2023 treatments
- Identify which programs and partners should be included in TEC 26 meeting


ITI shared the new TEC guidance on modified strategies in persistent and recrudescent districts with all trachoma endemic countries and implementing partners. ITI has been working closely with national programs and other partners to prepare for the TEC 26 meeting, where requests for modified strategies in 2022 will be considered. Each country submitting a revised 2022 Zithromax® Application has been invited to participate in TEC 26 to present their plans for a modified strategy. ITI is also working with national programs on preparing their 2023 Zithromax® requests, which will allow a refinement of the 2023 production forecast.

persistence, recommendations for ITI management, alternative treatment strategies, Zithromax® donation criteria

TEC 25

25.2.3 - Country gaps


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TEC recommends that ITI work with ICTC to develop a list of gaps:
- suspected endemic districts needing mapping
- funding gaps (R1s + any districts TF ≥5% but without MDA)
- TT support gaps – in collaboration with BMGF, USAID, Accelerate, ESPEN


ITI is working with ICTC on identifying these gaps as part of the revised ICTC Strategic Plan 2021-2030.

recommendations for ITI management, ICTC, funding, suspected endemic

TEC 25

25.2.2 - Country gaps


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Western Pacific

TEC recommends that TEC member Chad MacArthur follows up with partners and the national program in Fiji and Papua New Guinea to understand the current situation and determine whether there are any steps that could be taken to move the programs forward.

Fiji, Papua New Guinea


Chad MacArthur reached out to both programs:
- PNG's current focus is on COVID19. The trachoma program remains on hold awaiting guidance following implementation of the recommendations of the WPRO meeting. They completed an ancillary survey in January 2020, the results of which showed little presence of Herbert's pits and pannus and mirrors the landscape of trachoma in many of the Pacific Island countries.
- Fiji has had a number of setbacks due to natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and the COVID response. Baseline surveys for the remaining 32 EUs began in February 2022, and results will guide the need for MDA.

recommendations for ITI management

TEC 25

25.2.1 - Country gaps


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Eastern Mediterranean

TEC recommends a high-level visit from TEC Chair and ITI Director to Egypt to work out gaps in leadership leading to program delays (e.g., signing MOU; getting program financing into the country).



A partners meeting was held in Cairo in February 2022 with the ITI Senior Program Associate and Supply Chain Analyst in attendance. Groundwork was laid with the two newly appointed trachoma focal persons and a 2022 TEMF/2023 Zithromax® Application was submitted. A high-level visit may be most beneficial following the review of the application at TEC 27 to facilitate signature of an MOU.

recommendations for ITI management

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