Conclusions & Recommendations
TEC 25
25.1.6 - To ITI Management
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TEC, ITI, and Pfizer discussed holding an appropriate celebration of the billionth dose of Zithromax® donated. Given that the manufacturing facilities are now third party owned, ELC is not an ideal venue for a celebration, and anticipated continued travel constraints in Q1 2022, suggested options included: Atlanta; Washington, D.C.; or a country nearing elimination, held later in 2022 when travel may become easier. Additional discussions exploring these and other options will be held in the coming months.
TEC will continue to discuss options during the TEC 26 and TEC 27 meetings.
recommendations for ITI management, TEC meeting management
TEC 25
25.1.5 - To ITI Management
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TEC appreciates ITI’s development of the new TEC Recommendation Tracker.
No action required
recommendations for ITI management
TEC 25
25.1.4 - To ITI Management
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TEC notes with cautious optimism the careful continuation of MDA in the midst of COVID.
No action required
TEC 25
25.1.3 - To ITI Management
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TEC recommends that ITI Management share key guidelines for participation at TEC meetings (as outlined in the revised TEC Charter) with Observers as a part of future meeting invitations
Once the Charter is back from Pfizer, ITI will share it with Observers.
recommendations for ITI management, TEC meeting management
TEC 25
25.1.2 - To ITI Management
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TEC accepted the revisions to the Charter as presented, and ITI will share the final version (flagging any additional changes) once Pfizer has formally agreed to the edits.
The Charter is with Pfizer, pending formal confirmation of agreement.
recommendations for ITI management
TEC 25
25.1.1 - To ITI Management
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Africa - East
TEC recommends a letter of appreciation be sent by ITI Management on behalf of TEC to the EFDA, thanking the Ethiopian government for their flexibility in accepting near-expiry POS
A letter of appreciation was presented to the Federal Minister of Health by the TEC Chair in February 2022.
recommendations for ITI management
TEC 24
24.9.1 - Overview of progress to date in the Americas region
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TEC recommends that ITI pursue discussions with PAHO to explore utilizing the Task Force for Global Health MOU with PAHO as an alternative mechanism for Zithromax® shipments to countries in the region.
ITI and PAHO are currently in the process of drafting an agreement to facilitate this as of May 2022. This will be presented at TEC 27.
supply chain, recommendations for ITI management
TEC 24
24.8.1 - Tanzania
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Africa - East
TEC recognizes that TIS and TSS data in several districts are coming back above threshold more often than expected, which may point to ‘persistence’, may indicate lagging TF, or may be the result of population migration. TEC recommends that ITI work with Tropical Data to discuss appropriate methodologies for trachoma surveys among nomadic populations, consider assessing infection, and/or consider pursuing operational research on more-frequent-than-annual MDA with intensified surveillance to address this.
This recommendation was shared with the program in September 2021 and a follow-up email was sent to Tropical Data (TD) regarding survey development. This was also discussed during the WHO Informal Consultation meeting in December 2021. This issue is being addressed by the country and implementing partners, who have conducted a deep dive to determine the factors around program implementation or epidemiology driving this observation. The findings of the deep dive will be presented at TEC 27.
persistence, research, recommendations for ITI management, alternative treatment strategies, special populations
TEC 24
24.7.5 - Ethiopia
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Africa - East
SNNP: TEC noted with concern that some historic MDAs may not have occurred as reported. TEC recommends that ITI follow up with the RHB, Sightsavers, and other partners to better understand these reports and take appropriate action.
ITI-Ethiopia followed up with Orbis to determine whether any past distributions have been incorrectly reported. It was reported by the implementing partner and the RHB that the data already in the database are accurate for those areas.
recommendations for ITI management
TEC 24
24.7.4 - Ethiopia
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Africa - East
Oromia: TEC recommends that ITI work with the Federal Ministry of Health, Regional Health Bureau, and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine study team to quantify the Zithromax® needs for the Stronger SAFE trial.
The research request has been incorporated in the 2023 Zithromax® Application.
research, recommendations for ITI management