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Conclusions & Recommendations

TEC 24

24.7.3 - Ethiopia


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Africa - East

Beneshangul Gumuz (BG): TEC recommends that ITI work with the FMOH and the RHB to better understand the current situation in the Bambasi and Tongo camps, including the refugees’ origin and the type of camp (open vs. closed). This information may be submitted to the TEC refugee subcommittee and the algorithm applied to determine whether any further action is needed.



ITI-Ethiopia worked with the BG RHB to better understand the situation in the refugee camps and has determined the origin and type of camp. The details will be submitted to the refugee subcommittee to determine eligibility.

special populations

TEC 24

24.7.2 - Ethiopia


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Africa - East

Amhara: TEC recommends that ITI work with the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), Regional Health Bureau (RHB), and the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) study team to quantify the Zithromax® needs for the KETFO trial.



Zithromax® required for the KETFO study is included as a separate line in the 2023 Application.


TEC 24

24.7.1 - Ethiopia


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Africa - East

TEC noted with sadness the loss of Dr. Tebebe Yemane Berhan, a tireless advocate for the trachoma program in Ethiopia.



Condolences have been shared with the MOH and TCC.

TEC 24

24.6.3 - Sudan


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Eastern Mediterranean

TEC encourages partners to work with the MOH to identify what will be needed to prepare the program’s elimination dossier.



This recommendation has been shared with the MOH and partners.

end game

TEC 24

24.6.2 - Sudan


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Eastern Mediterranean

TEC also notes the trichiasis surgery needs in Sudan.



No action required


TEC 24

24.6.1 - Sudan


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Eastern Mediterranean

TEC notes with sadness the passing of Dr. Nabil, long-time Country Director for The Carter Center and former head of the Ministry of Health Guinea Worm Eradication Program in Sudan, whose support to the trachoma program was so vital to its progress over the years.



No action required

TEC 24

24.5.1 - Egypt


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Eastern Mediterranean

TEC recognizes the current gap in leadership at the MOH and urges WHO-EMR and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB)-EMR to undertake high-level advocacy for filling the gap in leadership and for taking the trachoma program forward. TEC is prepared to offer assistance to this process, and in particular looks forward to receiving a Zithromax® Application for consideration to address the scale of the trachoma needs in Egypt.



This is a dynamic situation that warrants further review. Egypt appointed a trachoma focal person within the NTD department and a trachoma focal person for surgery provision. ITI’s Supply Chain and Program teams visited the program in February 2022. The need for a higher-level visit needs to be reviewed.

recommendations for ITI management

TEC 24

24.4.1 - Overview of progress to date in the Eastern Mediterranean Region


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Eastern Mediterranean

TEC notes with concern the challenges with funding and technical support for Afghanistan and Yemen and program delays in Pakistan.



No action required


TEC 24

24.3.5 - More-frequent-than-annual MDA


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TEC recommends that ITI collaborate with The Task Force for Global Health to convene a meeting including partners and experts (e.g., a pharmacologist) to discuss more-frequent-than-annual MDA and other topics of urgency to the global trachoma program.


See above

alternative treatment strategies, end game, recommendations for ITI management

TEC 24

24.3.4 - More-frequent-than-annual MDA


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TEC recognizes the urgency to achieving elimination of trachoma as a public health problem and will continue to meet in consultation with WHO and informed experts to develop actionable guidance for decision-making.


See above

alternative treatment strategies, end game

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