Conclusions & Recommendations
TEC 24
24.15.4 - CAR
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Africa - Central/Southern
TEC notes with concern that very few trichiasis surgeries have been conducted to date and encourages donors to ensure they are supporting the full SAFE strategy.
The program conducted a TT planning workshop in March 2022, but plans are still underway to launch the surgery program.
TEC 24
24.15.3 - CAR
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Africa - Central/Southern
TEC recommends that ITI have a discussion with the resident WR, WHO-HQ, and the national program to develop a consensus of how to best move forward with elimination efforts.
This recommendation has been shared with the country and efforts are being made for partners to meet with the CAR WHO NTD representative alongside ESPEN.
recommendations for ITI management
TEC 24
24.15.2 - CAR
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Africa - Central/Southern
Additionally, prevalence data in Basse-Kotto are ‘stale’, and, if funding can be identified, new survey data would be informative before any further MDAs are considered.
This recommendation has been shared with the country. Currently the program has neither funds for MDA nor surveys in this area and Mbomou prefecture, which has the same context.
Zithromax® donation criteria
TEC 24
24.15.1 - CAR
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Africa - Central/Southern
TEC noted with concern that funding & technical assistance is urgently needed to support the trachoma program in Central African Republic. TEC also recognized the need to develop a broader funding and partner base if elimination in CAR is to be achieved.
This recommendation has been shared with the country. A supply chain assessment was conducted in February 2022, with recommendations and action items to be reported at TEC 27.
TEC 24
24.14.1 - Cameroon
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Africa - West
TEC recommends that ITI follow up to better understand the situation in refugee camps in the Lake Chad Basin and whether addressing these populations is included in the national program’s plans.
This recommendation has been shared with the country; however, this situation also applies to Niger, Nigeria, and Chad. The issue will be raised for inclusion on the agenda at the next RAFET meeting.
special populations, recommendations for ITI management
TEC 24
24.13.1 - Zambia
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Africa - Central/Southern
TEC recognizes the hardship placed on Zambia’s trachoma program from the budget cuts by the UK government’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), leaving a funding gap for 2021 interventions (including MDA in three districts, trachoma surveillance surveys in 17 districts, and one trachoma impact survey) and 2022 interventions (MDA in seven districts and eight trachoma impact surveys).
The feedback has been shared with the MOH and implementing partners. BMGF and ITI are supporting MDAs and trachoma prevalence surveys through June 2023.
TEC 24
24.12.2 - Mozambique
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Africa - Central/Southern
TEC notes the security challenges in Cabo Delgado and the threat they pose to elimination in Mozambique. TEC recommends that ITI work with countries to document population disruptions and the potential impact of IDPs/refugees on progress towards elimination, and to propose ways to assist national decision-making on how to account for changing population numbers for future MDAs and/or surveys.
The national program visited Cabo Delgado in March and is exploring the possibility of completing impact surveys in four southern districts in 2022. Additionally, IDPs from Cabo Delgado were included in the 2021 MDAs in Nampula and additional Zithromax® has also been allocated for their inclusion in the 2022 MDAs.
insecurity, special populations
TEC 24
24.12.1 - Mozambique
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Africa - Central/Southern
TEC recommends that the MOH and partners consider collecting infection data in districts with TF1-9 just above 5% at TIS and TSS in several districts. This may be a sign of lagging TF rather than a need for additional MDA or recrudescence, and infection data would provide a more complete picture of trachoma in those districts.
This recommendation has been shared with the country. Following the TEC guidance that arose from the December 2021 WHO Informal Consultation, the national program has proposed a modified treatment and monitoring strategy.
alternative indicators (Ct, serology), end game, research
TEC 24
24.11.2 - DRC
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Africa - Central/Southern
TEC encourages the MOH to access available funding from ESPEN for trachoma activities where there are gaps and encourages other donors to further support the MOH in achieving elimination.
This recommendation has been shared with the country
TEC 24
24.11.1 - DRC
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Africa - Central/Southern
TEC recognizes that DRC has the second highest population at-risk of trachoma in the world and is at risk of losing momentum of the existing progress, putting more people at risk of trachoma if adequate funding and technical support cannot be identified.
No action required