Conclusions & Recommendations
TEC 22
22.3.2 - Compensating for delayed/skipped trachoma treatments (mitigation)
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The results of some past clinical trials demonstrate that multiple rounds of MDA targeting children may be more successful in controlling trachoma in hyper-endemic areas than standard annual treatment (though this was not studied in the context of mitigation).
No action required
research, persistence, alternative treatment strategies
TEC 22
22.3.1 - Compensating for delayed/skipped trachoma treatments (mitigation)
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Current modelling data predicts that for the majority of trachoma-endemic districts, skipping a round of MDA (i.e., up to 24 months between treatment rounds) will not have a significant negative effect on disease elimination. However, in hyper-endemic districts (defined in the models as TF1-9 ≥40% at baseline), the models predict that skipping a round of MDA could add 2-3 years to the elimination timeline. Further, annual MDA has usually not been successful in controlling trachoma in these areas.
No action required
research, persistence, end game, alternative treatment strategies
TEC 22
22.2.1 - Zithromax® Supply Chain in the time of COVID-19
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TEC recommends continued adherence to the “enhanced” greenlight checklist while the pandemic continues. ITI Supply Chain will re-confirm availability of funds with the donor and timing of MDA with the MOH prior to all shipments.
This has continued to be a standard operating procedure with all Zithromax®️ shipments.
supply chain, COVID, recommendations for ITI management
TEC 22
22.13.1 - Mozambique
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Africa - Central/Southern
The TEC expressed concerns for the internally displaced persons from conflict in Cabo Delgado into trachoma-endemic districts of Nampula. TEC requests more details from the national program about the situation; based on this, the population for these districts may need to be adjusted following the guidelines of the Refugee/IDP algorithm.
Based on information from other health programs, the national trachoma program requested a 10% increase in the number of Zithromax® treatments for three districts in Nampula with MDAs planned for 2021.
insecurity, special populations, Zithromax® donation criteria
TEC 22
22.12.1 - Tanzania
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Africa - East
The Ministry of Health of Tanzania submitted a concept note for an operational research project to determine the impact of nomadic populations on persistent disease in specific districts and to develop strategies for more effectively reaching these groups as distinct populations. The TEC Research Subcommittee will review the concept note and provide feedback to the MOH.
It was determined that funding is not available for the proposed operational research
research, special populations, persistence
TEC 22
22.11.1 - South Sudan
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Africa - East
TEC noted that there was no request for 2021 for the Protection of Civilians (POC) camp located in Juba. The national program has indicated that this is because the camp is due for closure. If the camp is not closed, TEC invites the Ministry to submit a mid-year request after conducting a prevalence survey.
South Sudan
The recommendation has been shared with the country
special populations, evaluation units
TEC 22
22.10.2 - Niger
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Africa - West
TEC expressed gratitude at the cooperation shown by the PNSO in the program assessment recommended at TEC 20. The results indicate that the country has taken large steps towards their elimination goals. TEC recommends that the assessment findings be shared with the PNSO and PNSO stakeholders that participated in this process.
This recommendation has been shared with the country.
recommendations for ITI management
TEC 22
22.10.1 - Niger
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Africa - West
TEC recommends to ITI that the districts in Tahoua and Maradi that are part of the AVENIR trial be noted in future Zithromax® Applications. TEC further recommends strong coordination between the study team, ITI, and the PNSO.
Coordination is ongoing
research, TEC meeting management, recommendations for ITI management
TEC 22
22.1.4 - General Recommendations to ITI
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Highlight districts with no partner and no funding source (either in maps, narrative, or applications)
When an implementing and/or funding partner is ‘unsure’ or there is ‘none’, they have been highlighted in red
TEC meeting management
TEC 22
22.1.3 - General Recommendations to ITI
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Highlight in country applications areas that are suspected endemic
Districts that have been identified as “suspected endemic” by the Ministry are identified in the “Comments” column
TEC meeting management