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Conclusions & Recommendations

TEC 22

22.1.2 - General Recommendations to ITI


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TEC acknowledges with appreciation the hard work of the ITI team to prepare an organized and well-executed first virtual TEC meeting.


No action required

TEC 22

22.1.1 - General Recommendations to ITI


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As a whole, as the global trachoma program matures, more context-specific interventions will be needed.


No action required

end game

TEC 21

21.6.1 - Zithromax® Management After Stopping MDA


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While ITI closely manages final shipments based on inventory reports to minimize drug remaining in country, there is likely to still be some donated Zithromax® in-country after MDA stops. Countries should be reminded of the ICTC Transition manual

TEC recommends that ITI trial: extending the MOU with the country beyond the end of shipments; conducting a ‘close out’ supply chain assessment in transitioning countries


Recognizing the challenge of predicting the last needed Zithromax® shipment (while awaiting results of impact and surveillance surveys; e.g., Uganda), ITI is extending country MOUs and the Supply Chain team is preparing for close-out assessments where appropriate.

supply chain, end game, recommendations for ITI management

TEC 21

21.5.1 - Trachoma Surveillance


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TEC acknowledges the need for robust surveillance to ensure the investments made to date are not lost; however, the required surveillance is not at present clear and there is a need to clarify this.

There are several steps that need to be taken to clarify the bigger picture, and ITI has a role to play itself and in collaboration with other partners.

Surveillance should be a theme in upcoming ITI-supported regional meetings and in discussions with Ministry of Health colleagues.


Ongoing; activities are on hold due to COVID-19.

surveys, end game

TEC 21

21.4.1 - Colombia


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TEC recommends that ITI send a high-level delegation to Colombia (including PAHO and TEC liaison) to discuss with the Ministry of Health the MDA strategy and delivery of the donation program, to determine:
-the baseline survey sampling frame
-the basis by which communities are targeted for treatment or excluded from treatment
-plans to evaluate program impact
-how coverage is reported
-whether the populations are static or migratory, and if migration crosses departmental or country borders
-whether funding is available for treatments and surveys



A joint PAHO-WHO-ITI visit, planned for March 2020, was postponed due to COVID-19. ITI hopes to reschedule this visit when it is safe to do so. In the interim, there is no 2021 Zithromax® Application.

surveys, special populations, recommendations for ITI management, suspected endemic, funding

TEC 21

21.3.1 - PAHO Initiative


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The TEC recognizes the challenges facing the Americas to eliminate trachoma particularly among indigenous populations in the Amazon Basin. The TEC recommends that ITI consult with PAHO to identify areas of technical and/or financial support within the ITI mandate that would support PAHO in its leadership role in trachoma elimination.


High-level visit from PAHO to The Task Force in Q1 2020 to discuss the PAHO NTD Roadmap and areas for future collaboration. It was agreed that there would be an overarching MOU between TFGH and PAHO to facilitate access to Zithromax® and technical advice.

special populations, recommendations for ITI management

TEC 21

21.2.2 - ASCEND – Crown Agents


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TEC recommends that ITI continue to invite high level representation from Crown Agents at future TEC meetings.


A representative from Crown has been invited to participate in TEC 22.

TEC meeting management

TEC 21

21.2.1 - ASCEND – Crown Agents


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TEC welcomed the presentation on Crown Agents’ plans and encourages them to successfully implement without delays.


Some Requests for Proposals were released but we have not yet heard news on selection of sub-grantees.


TEC 21

21.1.1 - ITI Supply Chain


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Continue to monitor actual ratio of POS and tablets reported to be administered by countries, and report back to TEC.


ITI’s Supply Chain team have collected country-by-country data on the ratio of POS and tablets used as reported by the countries, and will report on this during TEC 22.

supply chain, recommendations for ITI management

TEC 20

20.9.2 - Zithromax® for Refugees: Decision Making Algorithm


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TEC recommends that any requests for refugee camps include a profile with information on origin of camp population, closed versus open camp, steady versus high population movement.


Future Zithromax® requests for refugee camps will include the recommended profile.

special populations, Zithromax® donation criteria

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