Conclusions & Recommendations
TEC 27
27.5.1 - TEC Recommendations to Ethiopia's Trachoma Program
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Africa - East
TEC recommends that ITI work with the Ethiopia Federal Ministry of Health, Regional Health Bureaus and implementing partners in SNNP, Sidama, and SWEP to review woreda populations following district splits.
The Regional Health Bureaus of SNNP, Sidama, and SWEP updated their populations for the national drug quantification workshop that took place in March 2023. The 2024 Zithromax® applications include the current and best population estimates.
recommendations for ITI management
TEC 27
27.4.1 - TEC Recommendations to CAR's Trachoma Program
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Africa - West
Recognizing the progress made under very challenging circumstances in the Central African Republic, TEC notes with concern the lack of distribution reports from 2020 and 2021 and encourages ITI’s program team to follow up with the Ministry of Health prior to future Zithromax® shipments. TEC also noted the urgent need for support for additional population-based prevalence surveys in areas with stale or no data.
An updated distribution report was provided following TEC. Discussions are ongoing with OPC, END Fund, and ESPEN to plan for survey needs, including a side meeting held at RAFET 2022.
TEC 27
27.3.1 - TEC Recommendations to Zimbabwe's Trachoma Program
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Africa - Central/Southern
TEC noted the situation in Mutasa district in Zimbabwe where a survey found a level of TF unprecedented in Zimbabwe and very rare in southern Africa more generally. TEC noted further that Mutasa is adjacent to a district that has not so far been mapped. While noting that no drug request for Mutasa has been included for 2023, TEC was concerned to clarify the situation and suggests that (i) the programme and its partners consider an enhanced investigation of Mutasa, for example, with tests for Ct infection and pGP serology, and (ii) that further baseline mapping be considered both in districts adjacent to Mutasa and in districts adjacent to those in which actionable TF prevalences had been recorded.
This recommendation has been shared with the national program. With support from Sightsavers, the program plans to include Ct infection and serology indicators during the TIS in Mutasa planned for Q3 2023.
alternative indicators (Ct, serology), research, end game
TEC 27
27.2.9 - TEC recommendations to ITI management
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TEC recommends to ITI to send an additional letter to all partners addressing the temporary Zithromax® delays, including:
- this is a temporary mismatch of supply and demand, both of which are uncertain,
- ITI’s expectation is that supply will catch back up to demand by the end of 2022,
- all current drug needs will be met over the next ~6 months,
- this is a temporary shipment timing issue
- outlining the factors and principles (e.g., efficiency, equity) that ITI normally uses to determine timing/order of shipments as drug becomes available, reinforcing that the decision-making process has not changed in this situation
These additional letters were sent to countries following TEC 28.
recommendations for ITI management, supply chain
TEC 27
27.2.8 - TEC recommendations to ITI management
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Africa - East
TEC recommends that ITI-Ethiopia offer to host a pre-TEC NTTF meeting involving the TEC liaisons to ensure partners are aligned and aware of the following year’s work plans and other issues.
One NTTF meeting was held at the beginning of December2022 in advance of the Fall TEC meeting. Other NTTF meetings have also taken place to discuss prioritization of Zithromax® allocations in light of the shortage.
recommendations for ITI management
TEC 27
27.2.7 - TEC recommendations to ITI management
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Write a letter of congratulations to Togo
Letters of congratulations have been sent to Togo, Malawi, and Vanuatu. Letters have also been drafted for Benin and Mali.
TEC meeting management
TEC 27
27.2.6 - TEC recommendations to ITI management
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On the rainbow ‘art not science’ table, consider adding a category/column for those countries where only impact surveys are needed
We have included them in the “100% coverage” column so that their progress is reflected.
TEC meeting management
TEC 27
27.2.5 - TEC recommendations to ITI management
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Invite new TEC members to onboard at TEC 28 in December 2022
TEC meeting management
TEC 27
27.2.4 - TEC recommendations to ITI management
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Block 4 days for summer TEC (then reduce to 3 days when possible)
Noted for future agendas.
TEC meeting management
TEC 27
27.2.3 - TEC recommendations to ITI management
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On future TEC agendas:
- Ensure we start meetings with introductions
- Include regional updates from WHO regional offices
Noted for future agendas.
TEC meeting management