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Conclusions & Recommendations

TEC 27

27.2.2 - TEC recommendations to ITI management


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Include END Fund as an invited observer in future meetings.



TEC meeting management

TEC 27

27.2.1 - TEC recommendations to ITI management


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Publically celebrate US government funding to trachoma/NTDs when possible. Liaise with TFGH colleagues who are engaged in the NTD Roundtable to know more.


This is noted and ITI will continue to engage in such opportunities as they arise.

recommendations for ITI management

TEC 27

27.1.5 - TEC recommendations to the ITI team


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For future supply chain allocation reports, TEC requests that the SC team separate out Standard vs. Modified approval numbers (where Modified is broken further down into Persistent/Recrudescent and Catch-Up)


This has been addressed for TEC 29.

TEC meeting management, supply chain

TEC 27

27.1.4 - TEC recommendations to the ITI team


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TEC requests that SPAs point out the districts on the map they're referring to (by saying the district number and/or using a pointer/cursor on the projected map) when giving their pre-application country overview


This will be addressed for TEC 29 in both the presentations and on the printed maps (subject to technological constraints).

TEC meeting management

TEC 27

27.1.3 - TEC recommendations to the ITI team


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For future TEC books, TEC requests that ITI:
- Include updates on ongoing surveys and insecurity in the comments (e.g., this was done well in Sudan’s application)
- Continue thinking through the best way to display multiple rounds in one year; there was confusion over interpreting the annual round number column
- For mid-year requests, add “NONE” to TEC Decision Column


The program team has worked with David Addiss to streamline how ITI represents mid-year requests and multiple rounds in one year in the applications. The new formatting is being used during the TEC 29 application reviews.

TEC meeting management

TEC 27

27.1.2 - TEC recommendations to the ITI team


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TEC appreciates the inclusion of regional maps in the TEC book


ITI will continue to include regional maps in the TEC book.

TEC meeting management

TEC 27

27.1.1 - TEC recommendations to the ITI team


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TEC appreciates the extra information that ITI provided on trichiasis surgeries and recommends including past surgical performance (as reported on the TEMF) in the comments column


This will be addressed for TEC 29.

TEC meeting management

TEC 26

26.4.2 - TEC suggested the following agenda items for the TEC 28 meeting


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Reports from the national programs in the first 6 countries implementing modified strategies on their experience, ideally including information on key indicators comparing pre-modified to post-modified implementation. Examples may include: increase in the number of supervisors from X to Y; increase in the number of treatments from X to Y; measures from BCC strategies. TEC recommends supporting NPCs during the ITI-supported Regional Meetings to identify a useful common set of indicators to be reported on in the future.


ITI is working with national programs to share lessons learned during the early phases of implementation at TEC 28 (and 29). Suggested indicators have been suggested through presentation templates provided to national programs.

alternative treatment strategies

TEC 26

26.4.1 - TEC suggested the following agenda items for the TEC 28 meeting


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TEC requests a presentation from national program managers on how they use coverage tools (and other program tools) during the TEC 28 meeting


The program managers from Kenya and Tanzania will be present at TEC 28 to present on program tools.

TEC meeting management

TEC 26

26.3.1 - Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania


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Africa - East

TEC congratulated the national programs of Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania for their extensive efforts to coordinate MDA across borders to reach migratory populations previously missed through regular MDA activities.

Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania


This recommendation was shared at the East Africa cross border meeting and with the Kenyan MOH in person.


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